CAVA: Context-aware Real-time Video Analytics
DescriptionCameras are found everywhere in the Internet of Things (IoT). We propose a scalable platform using SAVI for the continuous collection of context-aware processed video from mobile devices. Users can perform efficient context-based searches on the total collection of labeled videos. In this project we discuss the challenges and benefit.s for video upload, video labeling and context-based search on the SAVI network.
- Nina Taherimakhsousi (ninata@uvic.ca)
- Hausi A. Müller (hausi@cs.uvic.ca)
Talks and Posters
- Consortium for Software Engineering Research (CSER), Fall 2015.
- Conference of the Center for Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research (CASCON), Nov. 2015. People's Choice Technology Showcase Award.
- N. Taherimakhsousi, H.A. Müller: Context-aware real-time video analytics. In Proceedings Conference of the Center for Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research (CASCON 2015), pp. 223-226, Nov. 2015. Read Article
- N. Taherimakhsousi, H.A. Müller: CAVA: Context Aware Video Analytics with Decentralized Cloud on the SAVI Network. 4th International IBM Cloud Academy Conference (ICACON 2016), Jun. 2016. Read Article
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