“Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.” - Martin Fowler
About Me I am a Software Engineer currently pursuing my Masters in Computer Science from University Of Victoria. Prior to joining UVic, I worked as a software developer for 2 years designing and developing network management systems for clients such as Ericsson (Ireland) and Ciena (Ottawa). My current concentration at UVic is focussed towards taking application based courses that are of high relevance and are directly applicable to the IT industry. Some of the courses I have taken at UVic include
My short term goal is to Join a Software Company as a "Full Stack Software Developer". I believe my experience in a wide range of domains such as Front-end, Back-end, Relational Databases, NO-SQL Technologies, Algorithm and Data Structures and excellent knowledge of Design Patters makes me a suitable candidate for the role and also satisfies my desire to design and develop software from end to end. My long term goal is to gather valuable knowledge through my work experience and implement some of my Ideas in an own startup company. Academic Projects The current research project I am working on an intelligent chatting tool designed and built using the Lively Web, which is an emerging JavaScript technology. PALTask 2.0 performs various data extraction and analysis to gather important keywords, sentiments, entities to automatically pull relevant resources from the web. The AI component of the tool is trained to understanding intents such as watching movies, listening to songs, pulling videos from YouTube, pulling food recipes and locating restaurants. Some of the future goals of the project include the addition of video/audio chat, enabling voice recognition and integrating the personal context sphere. Technologies used: Lively, JavaScript, JQuery, Python, AWS, Node.JS CapCast is a Video conferencing application developed using the JavaScript WebRTC API. It is designed as a mesh based architecture to support peer to peer communication between users. As a part of hosting CapCast, we implemented open source Node.JS signalling servers and deployed them on the cloud using AWS. The hosted signalling servers were deployed on different Availability Zones and load balanced to make them fault tolerant and scalable. The tools unique feature enabled the capture of voice for speech to text translation for live subtitles as the user communicated. Technologies Used: JavaScript, WebRTC API, HTML, CSS, AWS The flight instrument failure visualization project was a part of the data analysis and visualization course taken at UVic. The intent of the application was to demonstrate the skills to extract live data from a source and present it to the user in an easily understandable format. The java based tool extracts data from a flight simulating software via WebSockets and monitors engine parameters such as Oil pressure, Engine temperature, Vibration ratio etc. When an engine malfunction is detected a new thread is created to visually show to the Pilot the malfunctioning engine. Technologies Used: Java, Threading, Swings, WebSockets Technical Skills Algorithm & Data Structures Design Patters Back-end Technologies/languages : Java, JavaScript, Node.JS, PHP(Basic), Python(Basic) Front-end Technologies/languages : HTML, CSS, jQuery, Angular.js(Basic) Testing Technologies : JUnit(Server side), NightWatch(Client side automation testing) Databases : MySQL NoSQL Technologies: MongoDB Java Frameworks : Hibernate, Spring Web Services : Restful, SOAP Version Control : IBM ClearCase, Perforce, SVN, GIT Programming Concepts : OOPS, functional programming, asynchronous programming External Webservices: Alchemy, WIT.AI, Google Maps, Youtube, Google Custom Search, Twitter API Cloud Technologies: Amazon Web Services IDEs : Eclipse, NetBeans Other tools : Putty, EXCEED, Jira, HP QC, Code Collaborator, SOAP UI, APACHE JMeter OS: MacOS, Windows, Linux Awards