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Prashanti Priya Angara, MSc

About Me

I am  a Master's student studying Computer Science at the University of Victoria. I'm from Hyderabad, India. My areas of interest include Cyber-Physical Systems, Internet of Things, Self-Adaptive and Context-Aware Systems. I previously worked as a software engineer for Oracle.  I enjoy hiking, badminton and photography.


Real-Time Operating Systems

• Developed a Priority-Based Real-Time Operating System and an application on top of it that controlled Roomba robots to perform tasks in sync.

GymSlick: Smart Activity Workout Tracker

• Developing an IoT based application using Bluetooth Low Energy Devices called nearables to quantify certain workouts(say, lifting weights) in the gym.

Flickr Trends

• Developed a data mining application that uses the geo-tagged photos from Flickr, a photosharing website, and shows which places are trending.

Medical Ontology using OWL

• Implemented prototypes for rule-based ontologies for different contexts using protégé as my undergraduate project.